Home / Credit Counselling BC: How Our Credit Counsellors Can Help
If your financial situation doesn’t require a formal course of action with your creditors, such as a Consumer Proposal or Personal Bankruptcy, a good option may be Credit Counselling. Our credit counsellors will assist you in understanding what may be causing problems in your financial life, like budgeting issues, credit, money management, or even non-monetary factors. The important thing to remember is that you’re not alone – there are resources available to help you change your financial future.
Credit counselling can take many different forms and is offered by many different type of businesses, so here are some ways that Chase & Associates can help:
Monthly budgeting: Creating and monitoring a monthly budget is a fundamental building block for a healthy financial future. Credit counselling sessions will help you with this process. There are many different ways to obtain the information necessary to have a functioning monthly budget that works from month to month. We can help you find the way that will best work for you and your household. This process takes time and effort but you will be glad you did!
Informal arrangements: If your financial difficulties are not such that formal remedies, such as a Consumer Proposal or Personal Bankruptcy, are required, perhaps an informal arrangement that results in a monthly payment can be structured with your creditors.
Financial counselling: As part of the Consumer Proposal or personal bankruptcy process, there is a requirement that you take part in two financial counselling sessions. These are private sessions where such topics as credit danger signals, future credit use, money management, and budgeting ideas are reviewed. In addition, this is an important time to review if there are any non-monetary factors that may have contributed to your financial difficulties. Overall, these financial counselling sessions are a vital part of the process of creating positive financial momentum for your future.